On a diet do you look at junk food and think “I can’t have that”?

Chances are, you probably do. This is something that a lot of people do, myself included.

Here is the problem with that: You know that common saying that you always want that which you can’t have? Well when you think that you “can’t” have something, it makes you want it that much more. In order to change your eating habits long term you have to change your way of thinking about it first.

From now on, instead of saying “I can’t have this” to yourself each time you see a treat you’d like to have, but know you shouldn’t – try saying “I don’t eat this”. Think about what junk food does to your body and mind. It causes you to gain weight, it causes brain fog, it causes drowsiness, and much much more. Then think about your goals and what you want for yourself with respect to your health and your life.

Is your goal to be healthy, have energy, lose weight, etc.? If the answer to that question is yes, then you need to start telling yourself that you don’t eat junk food anymore. Not because you can’t have it, but because you don’t want to put all of that junk and toxins into your body.

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